My dream is to be a small wizard and live in the Hogwarts Castle . I will learn many classes in the castle , such as Care of Magical Creatures , Transfiguration , Anceint Runes , Defence Aagainst the Dark Apparition Lesson , Muggle Studies , History of Magic , Potions ,
Charms , Arithmancy , Astronomy , Herbology ,
Divination and some incantations . I will live in Gryffindor Tower and study in the common room . I will make good friends with Harry , Ron , Hermione and Hagrid . I think I will be a famous Seeker in Quidditch , which is a very very popular game in the magic world . But these dreams are only some Nanke dreams , we should go back to the reality and work hard because it is the most important thing.
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小学英语作文:My Dream
来源::未知 | 作者:今日足球赛事▎外围足彩 | 本文已影响 人
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